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DIGITAL Z-WOMEN: Empower Gen-Z women with digital entrepreneurship skills

Project Number: 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-VET-000024882
Project Duration: 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2023

About the project

DIGITAL Z-WOMEN is designed to empower women from Generation Z with digital entrepreneurship skills, helping them to take advantage of the opportunities raised by digital transformation and thrive in a world of work that is going digital quite fast, even more in the pandemic emergency we are dealing with.


The objectives of DIGITAL Z-WOMEN project and its partnership are to:

  • Identify role models to serve as good, ethical and reliable examples of digital entrepreneurs and the work they do;
  • Develop and test a bespoke training path on digital entrepreneurship for Gen-Z women, as well guidelines and tips to support VET professionals in facilitating training on the mentioned topics;
  • Develop a learning hub that provides Gen-Z women and the VET professionals that work with them with interactive, comprehensive and open-access learning opportunities.

Project Results

1. An e-Collection of Inspirational Stories presenting role models and best practices on digital entrepreneurship among Gen-Z women, through visual infographics, video teasers of the interviews, and podcast audio files;

2. A DIGITAL Z-WOMEN Learning Journey, made of booklets for Gen-Z women learners and tutorials for VET professionals/mentors, offering a set of comprehensive learning modules structured into two areas:
a) essentials on digital entrepreneurship (types of digital businesses, key platforms for digital businesses, key competences, life-roles balance);
b) essentials on digital business development (innovation management, business ideation,
product/service development, business plan development, digital business prototyping and testing techniques, marketing strategy and digital content creation, digital business monetising strategies and management);

3. A DIGITAL Z-WOMEN Online Hub and Toolkit that organises the learning journey into a comprehensive and interactive learning experience, adding interactive exercises (e.g., action cards, quizzes), inspired by play-based strategies for learning, to the content that has been previously created to facilitate both self-directed learning, and face-to-face, e-learning and b-learning training facilitation on the mentioned topics; digital tools and an online open-access platform will be used to build the toolkit.